At one time, meats were almost the last foods included in the baby's diet. Even then, the high nutritive values and digestibility of lean meats were recognized. It was simply too much trouble and often too expensive to prepare them in proper form at home. Today, many doctors suggest that strained meats be started at about the same early age as cereals. Some even prefer that it be the first solid food. Check with your baby's doctor before starting meats.
Meats supply many nutrients important to babies and young children. Foremost at their complete, high quality protein which are used n the growth and maintenance of every body cell. Proteins are also constituents of many body regulators and are apparently related to the body's defenses against infections.
Meats provide a variety of minerals. They are among the best sources of iron and phosphorous, constituents of all body tissues. Liver is especially high in iron. The early feeding of meats has been shown to promote hemoglobin and red blood cell formation in babies."Trace minerals," needed in tiny amounts but so important to many body functions, occur in wide variety in meats.
Meats also supply essential vitamins. Al are excellent sources of niacin and supply some riboflavin, vitamin B6, vitamin B12 and thiamine. Pork is especially high in thiamine, heart is a good source of riboflavin and liver is one of the richest sources of vitamin A.
The plain strained meats are the best starting meats.By using them, you quickly learn which individual meats agree with your baby. Also, while a baby's capacity for strained foods is small, plain meats provide more nourishment per spoonful.
Strained meats are more concentrated in food values than the strained vegetables and fruits. Therefore they should be introduced with some caution.At first, feed only one or two spoonfuls, diluting it well with formula or other liquid. Over a few days, reduce the liquid until straight meat is being served.
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