Friday, June 24, 2011

10 Golden Rules of Child Rearing

Raising children can be the most wonderfully challenging adventure of your life. Here are 10 useful reminders and rules.

  1. Children are not pets.
  2. The life they actually live and the life you perceive them to be living is not the same.
  3. Don't take what your children do too personally.
  4. Don't keep score cards on them - a short memory is useful.
  5. Dirt and mess are breeding ground for well being.
  6. Stay out of their rooms after puberty.
  7. Stay out of their friendships and love life unless invited in.
  8. Don't worry that they never listen to you; worry that they are always watching you.
  9. Learn from them; they have much to teach you.
  10. Love them long; let them go early.

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