Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Chest Blow can be Deadly for Young Players

Kids into sports such as hockey, football, or baseball face the risk of sudden death form a hard chest blow despite wearing protective chest gear, American researchers warn.

Sports equipment sold on the market may not sufficiently protect young athletes if a blow is delivered directly over the heart at a particular time in its cycle, prompting an irregular heartbeat called ventricular fibrillation, according to a new study presented by the American Heart Association.

Such a RARE but fatal blow can come from a ball, bat, hockey stick, puck or hard contact with another person. The study authors recommend the need for better chest protection to make the sports field safer for young athletes.


  1. Yikes! Such a scary thought! But thanks for the reminder.

  2. Yup it is such a scary thought, although it could happen in 1 in a million.



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