Tuesday, February 16, 2010

3 tips you can to do check your childs eyesight

Although going to a doctor is the best choice for this, but there are also some ways that you can check to determine if your child has a problem with their eyesight.

1. CAMERA TRICK. Take a good look at a photo of your child. The flash of the camera should reflect in your child's eye. If this does not fall on the same spot in both eyes, there's a possibility your child's eye are misaligned. Also if you're checking for red eye in photos, both eyes must show the same color. If one of his eyes has a different color, then it would be best to consult your ophthalmologist.

2. FLASH OF LIGHT. Shine a flashlight on your child's eye. The reflex should also fall on the same spot on both eyes. If the spots are not in a similar location, then misalignment is possible.

3. PATCH ME UP. Cover on of your child's eye and ask him to focus on an object. After a while, move the patch to his other eye. If the other eyes moves while one is patched, then your child might have a problem with focusing.
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