Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Walker Facts

I have found this one article and i hope i found it sooner before i bought a walker for my baby. Although my baby didn't have any accident with her walker. Now that shes trying to walk while holding one of my hands sometimes she leans forward while walking, a habit she got from using walkers. Here's the lowdown on these popular walking aids:

  • Walkers with wheels - Vince Gomez, MD says walkers do not help children walk earlier. Some babies even form bad habits because of this. "They walk while leaning and pushing with their toes or feet. These are not natural ways to walk," Rosanne Sugay, MD. adds, "Numerous studies show that mobile walkers cause a significant increase in toddler injuries. They get to places they are not supposed to get to a lot quicker than on their own steam."
  • Walking Harnesses - walking harnesses are just fancy version of what Filipinos lampin slung across your baby's chest and underarms, according to Dr. Sugay. She reccomends holding your baby's hands instead. 'Harnesses, if used to often, can sometimes contribute to chest deformities.
  • Stationary Walkers - These stationary bouncy chairs cannot be considered walkers because your baby doesn't move around in them. Dr. Sugay says these are not harmful and can actually be fun for your baby.
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