I have a friend who have just given birth to a healthy baby girl. and she would always tell me that every morning she would always drink plenty of milk so that she will produce more milk for her baby. We'll im kinda not sure of what she's telling me is true, so i did a research at the lib, and found a clippings about common myth about breastfeeding and saw the answer their, so i inform my friend so that she would know that what shes doing is not true. Here are 6 common breast myth i found on the clippings.
MYTH 1 Some women fail to produce sufficient milk.
FALSE: Most women do have enough milk supply. If a baby fails to gain(or even loses) weight, this is more likely the result of the baby not latching properly onto the breast or not feeding often enough. It is common for newborn to feed eight to 12 times in 24 hours.
MYTH 2 A mother must drink milk to make milk.
FALSE: A healthy diet of vegetables, fruits, grains and proteins is all that a mother needs to provide the proper nutrients to produce milk. Calcium can be obtained from a variety of nondairy foods such as dark green vegetables, seeds, nuts and fish. No other mammal drinks milk to make milk.
MYTH 3 Mothers who have had cosmetic breast surgery cannot breastfeed a baby.
FALSE: Many women who have had breast augmentation or reduction have gone on to breastfeed. It is important that women consider the issue of breastfeeding before going under the knife, as some procedures reposition the nipple and areola. In these cases, breastfeeding may have to be partial rather than exclusive.
MYTH 4 Mothers who breastfeed cannot consume alcohol or spicy food.
FALSE: Usually the body digest and processes all the food a mother eats before the body makes the breast milk. An occasional glass of wine or beer would not hurt a nursing baby and the same goes for spicy foods. There is also no conclusive research to support the theory that mothers who consume gassy foods(such as beans and broccoli) will have a colicky baby.
MYTH 5 Breastfeeding is a great alternative for birth control.
FALSE: While in many instances ovulation is suppressed during breastfeeding, only abstinence will ensure that no little surprises happen. Nursing mothers can safely take low dose birth control pills or use barrier methods of contraception without harming their baby.
MYTH 6 A breastfeeding mother should space her feeding so that her breast will have time to refill.
FALSE: A lactating mothers body is constantly making milk. Her breasts function in part as "storage tank" some holding more than the others. The faster the breast emptied, the faster the body makes milk to replace it. Conversely, the fuller the breast, the more production of milk slows down. If a mother consistently waits until her breast are full before she nurses, her body may get the signal that it is making too much and may reduce overall production.
MYTH 1 Some women fail to produce sufficient milk.
FALSE: Most women do have enough milk supply. If a baby fails to gain(or even loses) weight, this is more likely the result of the baby not latching properly onto the breast or not feeding often enough. It is common for newborn to feed eight to 12 times in 24 hours.
MYTH 2 A mother must drink milk to make milk.
FALSE: A healthy diet of vegetables, fruits, grains and proteins is all that a mother needs to provide the proper nutrients to produce milk. Calcium can be obtained from a variety of nondairy foods such as dark green vegetables, seeds, nuts and fish. No other mammal drinks milk to make milk.
MYTH 3 Mothers who have had cosmetic breast surgery cannot breastfeed a baby.
FALSE: Many women who have had breast augmentation or reduction have gone on to breastfeed. It is important that women consider the issue of breastfeeding before going under the knife, as some procedures reposition the nipple and areola. In these cases, breastfeeding may have to be partial rather than exclusive.
MYTH 4 Mothers who breastfeed cannot consume alcohol or spicy food.
FALSE: Usually the body digest and processes all the food a mother eats before the body makes the breast milk. An occasional glass of wine or beer would not hurt a nursing baby and the same goes for spicy foods. There is also no conclusive research to support the theory that mothers who consume gassy foods(such as beans and broccoli) will have a colicky baby.
MYTH 5 Breastfeeding is a great alternative for birth control.
FALSE: While in many instances ovulation is suppressed during breastfeeding, only abstinence will ensure that no little surprises happen. Nursing mothers can safely take low dose birth control pills or use barrier methods of contraception without harming their baby.
MYTH 6 A breastfeeding mother should space her feeding so that her breast will have time to refill.
FALSE: A lactating mothers body is constantly making milk. Her breasts function in part as "storage tank" some holding more than the others. The faster the breast emptied, the faster the body makes milk to replace it. Conversely, the fuller the breast, the more production of milk slows down. If a mother consistently waits until her breast are full before she nurses, her body may get the signal that it is making too much and may reduce overall production.
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