Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Reasons to Become a Parent

I know some of you really want to be a parent, while some don't. But if you're not decided yet, or is planning to become one. The reasons for having children can be grouped into 4 categories.

Reasons People Want to Become Parents.

1. To build up one's ego
  • To have a child who looks like me
  • To have a child who will carry on the family name
  • To have a child who will inherit the family business, money and property
2. To compensate for something that is missing in one's life
  • To try to save one's marriage
  • To make up for one's unhappy childhood
  • To help one feel more secure as a male or female
3. To conform to what peers are doing or what others expect
  • To please one's parent or guardian
  • To do what one's peer's are doing
  • To keep from being criticized for being childless
4. To love and to guide someone
  • To have the satisfaction of loving a child
  • To help a child grow and develop
  • To teach a child how to be responsible

Now if you're a person who chooses one or more of the first three reasons, then your focus is on your own or his/her needs and not on the child's needs. Being ready for parenthood means being ready to focus on needs in addition to one's personal needs.

The fourth reason, the desire to love and guide a child, is the best reason to become a parent.
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